“You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.”

- Glenda the Good Witch, Oz


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When you understand and accept your unique gifts you can elevate them to your core purpose, making your work and relationships more meaningful.

This empowers you to reach your highest potential and success in your career. Better yet, you are happier.

Dr. Nicole Andreatta can map your career and leadership approach by focusing strategically on your unique gifts and how to cultivate the unique strengths in others:


 Unwrap Your Gifts

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In her foundational program, Dr. A works with leaders like you to identify your gifts and develop discipline around pursuing opportunities that highlight your natural talent. 

You’ll learn more about your character strengths and the benefits of positive psychology during your assessment and one-on-one session. 

You will receive self-directed exercises and reading you can finish at your own pace that will help you apply your understanding to your new goals and enhance your well being.



  • Strengths assessment utilizing the VIA survey

  • 90-minute video session to gain a deeper appreciation of your gifts and develop a roadmap for how to maximize your potential by utilizing them in work and life 

  • Follow Your Gifts assignments to continue work on your own


Investment: $550


Interested? Fill out our form and we’ll be in touch.


Gift Exchange


When you are following your gifts, the possibilities are endless. 

In this 3-month program, Dr. A will partner with you to create specific plans for elevating your character strengths in your work and lives.  

Leaders have used these customized sessions with Dr. A to launch new initiatives in their organizations, create exciting career opportunities, or develop dynamic passion projects to help their communities. 



  • Strengths assessment utilizing the VIA

  • 120-minute assessment video session to review character strengths findings, identify coaching focus, and establish goals for the coaching initiative

  • 6 bi-weekly 60-minute video coaching sessions tailored specifically to progress your goals 

  • Text message and email support between sessions

  • Follow Your Gifts Workbook to support work during 3-months and that will serve as a resource after the program concludes


Investment: $2,500; 3-month program


Interested? Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch!


Reaching Your Goals

Clients have utilized Dr. A’s guidance during career transitions, new company program launches, corporate retreats, or because they benefit from continued support while developing their character strengths across their work and home lives.

Dr. A will customize programs according to your goals and availability. If a longer-term or corporate program interests you, please fill out the form below and note your desire for a customized partnership. 




Flexible Scheduling

No matter where you call home, a time can be scheduled to work together. Of course, if in-person meetings are your preference we can discuss travel accommodations and arrangements to meet those needs.